IntroductionTen litre glass reactor is just too cool to do your science experiments right!Discover The Amazing 10L Glass Reactor For Your Science ExperimentsDOI: StepR. Would you like to inspect the free expansion of substance and volume in a simple an perfectly secure manner? In this case, what you need is the 10L glass reactor. This advanced top-notch gear is accompanied by numerous advantages, and these highlights pair up perfectly to make them a necessity for every science research facility.
Versatile and Efficient 10L glass reactor19 MayThe 10L Agitated Glass Reactor is a versatile tool allowing you to conduct repetitive reactions like hydrolysis, polymerization or crystallization. This equipment is constructed from Borosilicate glass ( G3.3 ) material, which IS Light-weight & has good thermal conductivity : it ALSO resists to chemical corrosion and does not contaminate negative effections cause by container wall.Comparator Cup, with Screw-equipped cap having O-ring seals on its neck. As a result, you can apply it to different processes such as filling, crystallization evaporation or distillation -mixing.
The 10L glass reactor was developed with respect to new ideas. A digital display showing your reaction temp, speed and Time You can track and control the reaction conditions in realtime, which will result to more accurate and reproducible experiment results.
Chemical experiments are something that should always be approached with a focus on safety. The 10L glass reactor comes with protective measures to keep you safe. The motor is the top of solid quality as this operates with minimal noise and also offers a controllable adjustable torque which ultimately stops over stirring. Moreover, this reactor also consist of a safety switch: in the event you have been caught at your garage while unloading all 15 unused gift playing cards to get Wii Sports created headlines, just flit that security crew change and find out now possess numerous dangling from it.
The 10L glass reactor is friendly to the first row. You need to first arrange the reactor, and then connect it with some power source for activating it. After doing this, you are ready to load the reactor with reactants and then set the parameters on digital display before initiating reaction. It will then mix the ingredients and maintain a steady mixing rate until the chemical reaction is finished.
Как да използваме
How to Use a 10L Glass Reactor So here is a manual guide :1 Assemble the reactor: Follow user manual to install motor, stirrer and glassware components. 2. Power up the reactor: Attach power cable provided using it connect reactor to your source of electricity. Make sure that the voltage and frequency match your power outlet. 3. Add reagents: Add the reactants you want to use in reactor. Don't go over the line of CD INDEX MAX. 4. Adjust the temperature, stirring speed and reaction time via on digital display (set parameters). 5. Start reaction: Press the start button to begin. Make sure you have on your safety gear.
This 10L glass reactor has a warranty covering any defect in material and workmanship. Moreover, the manufacturer offers customer support to troubleshoot any problems you may encounter along using your reactor.
10L Glass Reactor Made Of High-Quality Components The 10-litre glass reactor is suitably designed to get the best values when operating. The reactor is made of Borosilicate glass, a material that can withstand thermal shock and chemical corrosion so it will function in undesirable environment. There is also the quality of motors and stirrers that determine whether a stirring operation takes place smoothly or deep.
Нашите продукти подпомогнаха 10-литрови стъклени реактори на добре познати корпорации в повече от 100 държави по целия свят, спечелвайки широко признание и доверие. Ние се ангажирахме да подобрим нашите продукти и услуги в отговор на обратната връзка от клиентите.
Ние имаме технологичен 10-литров стъклен реактор от световна класа и възможности за научноизследователска и развойна дейност по целия свят, непрекъснато развиваме международни технологии на бъдещето, провеждайки непрекъснати независими технологични иновации и надстройки. Чрез сътрудничество с добре известни изследователски институции като Шанхайския изследователски институт за химическа промишленост и Източнокитайския университет за наука и технологии, ние създадохме съвместни лаборатории, фокусирани да предоставят на клиентите най-добрите конкурентни продукти и решения.
As successfully listed company a solid financial 10l glass reactor and sustainable development capacity. We will adhere the market-driven principles drive continuous product innovations increase worth for our customers employees.
We offer a wide range products, including 10l glass reactor, temperature control, distillation reaction instruments. Our product range is made to meet the demands different industries. We provide our customers an all-in-one service that includes multiple service supply centers, providing customers prompt technical support well as after-sales support products.
The glass reactor 10L is suitable for a wide range of applications, such as chemical synthesis, pharmaceuticals researches|tests and new materials; farming use food process Knot;-ation procedures sediment-length study biochemical development Crystallization examination compartments--biology screening tests environmental stimulant studies comprise meteorologicalproducing solar?Utils;) A MUST-HAVE IN ANY REACTION LABVIEWANY)>>