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solution for removing acetone from water based polyurethane-33

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Solution for Removing Acetone from Water-Based Polyurethane

The client requires an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons of water-based polyurethane (PU). Currently, the desolventizing process is time-consuming and costly, prompting the development of a new desolventizing technique. This multi-stage stai...

Solution for Removing Acetone from Water-Based Polyurethane
The client requires an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons of water-based polyurethane (PU). Currently, the desolventizing process is time-consuming and costly, prompting the development of a new desolventizing technique. This multi-stage stainless steel thin-film evaporation system ensures efficient removal of acetone from the PU emulsion, leveraging the high efficiency of thin-film evaporators. The solution is designed to reduce acetone content in the PU emulsion effectively, while also improving production efficiency and lowering operational costs.

1.Single-Pass Continuous Desolventizing Process:
The desolventizing material is pumped into the thin-film evaporator, where acetone is removed from the top, and the product emulsion is collected at the bottom.

Under optimal temperature and pressure conditions, the thin-film evaporator reduces the acetone content in the emulsion from 20-35% to below 1000 ppm in a single pass.

2.Recirculation Desolventizing Process:

Desolventizing material, containing approximately 20-35% acetone, is pumped into the thin-film evaporator. Acetone is removed from the top, while the emulsion is collected at the bottom and recirculated back to the feed tank for further desolventizing.

After an appropriate cycle time, the thin-film evaporator reduces the acetone concentration in the emulsion product tank to below 1000 ppm under suitable temperature and pressure.


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